Next session

When: Nov, 22nd to 24th 2013

Where: Rameldin's Rasthaus

Who: Us as usual


Having barely escaped the onslaught in the palace, the company now finds itself flying together with Commander Sintar towards the shipyards. The stakes are high as the city beneath them is sinking into the chaos of a very badly planned revolution. Impulsive momentous decisions led them all there and it does not seem they're about to see the end of it.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

YOUR help is needed !

Hello dear Readers,

after much consideration from your devoted blog writers about what has been achieved until now, we would greatly appreciate your help.

Much - not to say all - of what is written here is based on the inner knowledge of our adventurous company. In other words, it is not entirely clear to us if the adventure itself is comprehensible and traceable for an external reader.

That is why we call on your constructive criticism in way to improve the reading experience and the global quality of the storytelling. By constructive criticism we mean a review more elaborated than a simple "yeah that's fun", "nah, it's boring" or your typical facebook 'I like' button.

Chris and Gus

PS: we would appreciate if non-party readers would "follow" the blog, thus allowing them to respond to our call.


  1. First of all, I would like to tell you that you are doing a great job with this blog. It's a very good page to relive all those fun-stuff and read back on what we actually managed to do on one evening.

    There is however one thing I would like to mention. I do enjoy reading the stories of what we have accomplished, but it is sometimes a bit "too much". It's difficult to explain it here, but be careful that the stories don't get too long. Also all these words that common people don't use that often (read: everything with more than 4 syllables) should be kept at a minimum. Or as I would like to state this funny quote: "I told you a million times, do not exaggerate!" (yeah, I has nothing to do with it, but I always wanted to write it here).

    Since I've missed 2 sessions in a row due to holidays, I have to read back here to see what did exactly happen. When I read back the sessions between Ljuk and Ikaya, it takes some time to know what really happened. I'm more like a "KISS-guy" (Keep It Simple & Stupid), but that's just my personal opinion.

    Like I said before: I do like reading your stories, but make it a good mix of the first and the last sessions. I can only imagine how hard it is to make an interesting story that also people outside our community understand, so I'd like to use this opportunity once more to suck up and tell you what a great job you do!

    By the way:
    In my humble opinion: "Fire on the Water" is the best story written so far!

    PS: Please don't kill me next session

  2. lol

    Very well said Leo ! I agree with what you say and the question of balance is indeed a difficult one. I kind of disagree though when you say that more elaborated words are to be kept at a minimum: we sometimes do need those complicated and / or unusual words to properly express the idea.

    I can only wish now I'll find that much needed time to correct / proof-read what has so far been written. that could help in terms of "uniformisation" and increase the pleasure at reading.
