Next session

When: Nov, 22nd to 24th 2013

Where: Rameldin's Rasthaus

Who: Us as usual


Having barely escaped the onslaught in the palace, the company now finds itself flying together with Commander Sintar towards the shipyards. The stakes are high as the city beneath them is sinking into the chaos of a very badly planned revolution. Impulsive momentous decisions led them all there and it does not seem they're about to see the end of it.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

New alliances

Reaching the outer wall of Ikaya our heroes used this first line of defence of the fortress as a natural cover from the barbarians guards. Pressing against it to avoid the inquisitive looks and iced winds, quick decisions were taken before entering the inexpugnable fortress; murmurs took by the wind flew away from them while they got ready to take action. Storming the castle was foolish and impossible, now only luck could help them. Luck or some barbarian wisdom. The full moon would not help them taking cover, but it will light their way into known paths where no ambush could be prepared. Pressing against the two meters high wall the company saw the sleds with Hassan, Radja and Aliki taking cover and disappearing behind a nearby snow hill, a little bit off track from the path to the impressive Ikayan doors. Griselda had a quick peek over to the inner perimeter and noticed patrolling guards. The heroes remembered Aliki's words and started to look out for a mill. unfortunately none was to be seen - especially for the dwarves who were far to short to even think of trying to look beyond the 2 meters high wall or expecting to see more than some impressing stonework. All had difficulties remembering Alaki's exact words until someone remembered that the mill and the secret entrance were far to the right. As the group started to march yet another sickness attack overcame our adventurers. in order to avoid further interruptions all decided to take a quick bio break. Luckily for them Alast had the excellent idea to have everyone cover his smelly tracks. after a while the mill finally revealed to them, but they shamefully realised that the troubles to hide and quietly reach the mill were unsuccessful as some of them - unlike the dwarves - were a few heads above the top of wall.

"look" said one of the guards on duty on one of the watch posts in the citadel "there is something moving on the wall over there.. "
"naah your eyes are tricking you"
"no, i swear you, there is something moving, it's going eastwards. towards the old mill."
"i don't see anything. besides there is nothing of interest in the old mill."
"i swear you it looks like a chicken .. or the helmet of a Sommerlund knight with a feather on it..."
" i don't know what you were drinking, but i'm sure of two things: you should stop it and concentrate on looking for potential enemies, we still don't know what killed our two scouts. and besides our shift is almost over. now focus !"

as by intuition the taller heroes suddenly remembered that it would be best to duck a bit to allow the wall to *completely* cover them. after a few hundred meters walking in the snow the mill finally appeared in front of them. the first small inconvenience of their sneaky was that the mill was - naturally - on the other side of the wall, inside the defence perimeter. Being perfect gentleman all opted to let Griselda be the first to set food beyond the protecting side of their hideout. But even her survival skills could help her climbing swiftly over the obstacle nor protect her from being seen from the keen eyes of the Ikayan elite guards. Erleothir kindly lifted up Grisleda over the edge allowing her to pull the equipment of the group and unceremoniously toss them on the other side and finally helping her companions. Luckily for them clouds passed and covered the full moon allowing them to remain unseen. the entrance to the old city was now in reach, all rushed forward and Erleothir reminded them to quickly take cover behind the right wall of the old edifice. as they circled the building they soon discovered the entrance, the door was slightly ajar but only darkness resided within. Erleothir was the first to enter, followed by his friends. while Lightning and Griselda were inspecting the building from the outside.

"let's put some light into this matter" said Erleothir while lightning up a torch. Mulchanor quickly joined him. the building was effectively empty apart for the huge machinery taking the middle of the area.
"all right then, let's look for an entrance" started Gustavius. he soon found a trapdoor in one corner of the room but was too afraid to open it himself

"it may be dangerous... Alast, why don't you open it"

meanwhile outside the mill, lightning also found something interesting on the wall. he ducked to inspect more closely but rammed his head full speed in the edge of an overlooking lpiece of masonry.
"you found something" asked Griselda while lightning was painfully held his bruised in his hands.
"yeah... a stone. a stupid stone. let's head back inside."

Lightning was not the only one in pain, the rest of the groups started yet again to fight serious cramps. Mulchanor was the first to descend into the uncharted depths of the spiral stairs below the mill while Alast reminded him to stay cautious in case the steps could be frozen. once downstairs the group emerged in a dark cave. all started looking for the hidden entrance Alaki mentioned before. unfortunately the group was disorganised again and only having two torches made the search vain more tedious. once again Lightning decided egoistically to simply sit down and wait for the events to unfold around him. much to the annoyance of his fellows. "what about you make us some light, huh ? there must be a reason why you're called Lightning" started Mulchanor. once again silence was his answer while in the background Gustavius clutched his stomach again in deep and rushed for a dark corner. only moments a big sigh was to be heard. it was not exactly a sigh of relief but more the "I-was-expecting-that-one" sigh followed by a less triumphal than expected "i found the secret entrance!" Gustavius quickly tied a rope around the lever to activate the door, took a safe distance and pulled it. with the noise of stone grinding against stone the entrance to a corridor was now revealed. "well, here is it, you errm.. might want to mind your steps".
Avoiding the inopportune Gustavius stomach problems on the floor the company went one by one thought the secret passage, calmly and orderly till Alast couldn't miss the change to pay back Lightning for the disease he believed to suffer due to the magician. Sneaking without thinking he put all his weight toward to push over the stained floor. But Lightning made honour to his name turning abruptly to check on the imaginary sounds the grotto was making. Sadly for Alast an as a poetic justice, he felt over the disgusting soil. None were laughing but all smiled. Alast got a smell of his own naughtiness. All over the chest. He removed what he could with his blanket, saving at least his pride.

Entering now the corridor our heroes found a quiet place along the perfectly aligned bricks on the wall. They were in. A first door called their attention and opening it safely they could see it wasn't trapped. Once inside, Erleothir and Griselda, fearing no more trouble, almost awoke two sleeping barbarians. Going out in a rush discussion aroused and Gustavius almost awoke them shouting when he should have remembered they were still undercover. Killing or not killing them was the question to take. Once again the Knight defended an honourable solution. Griselda and Eleothir got in, choosing a known danger instead of the possibility of a worse encounter in the corridor.

The barbarians had awoke and were now in a difficult position, Quickly Erleothir shown signs of peace and managed to call them. When they entered all, it was at the end of one of the Barbarians offering them shelter even under suspicion from both sides of a trap. Mulchanor wasn't really complying, but the idea of staying outside, alone with the the rest of the barbarian army, finally broke his dwarven stubbornness. Words were now taking over the mutual doubts but it was Aliki's pendant which made them understand they could have found new allies.

The more they talked the more the suspicion of a misdeed by the Darklord was over the realm of possibilities. After a few moments of mind storming, with the help of the Barbarians, they managed to be aware of the true menace: a Nadziranim had taken the form of the Brumalmarc and was now the leader of the Ice Barbarians. That was the reason Aliki was sent away to die. Our Heroes won't probably ever imagine that the zombie giaks they crossed were part of the Nadziranim to kill him. But Ikaya is not a normal fortress, it defends its inhabitants, even away from its walls.

What could be possibly done now? They mission was to free Dark Raven and kilithanin,but, even succeeding, the Nadziranim woul try to get them with the help of an 5000 men army stong. While their new friends were liberating the Kai Lord and the merchant, our heroes decided that only a frontal attack would provide them victory, freedom and a longer life. At the same moment the Kai Lord entered and thanked them for the half rescue. He offered his eternal gratitude and promess to reward them properly at the next Fehmarn at the Monastery. But till then, they had an enemy to defeat.

The barbarians won't try to attack their leader, even knowing it was an impostor, Kilithanin was a merchant, only able to wield words and numbers, whom won't be very useful against such a powerful agent of the Dark Lords. The plan was simple; the barbarians will lead them to the hideout of the false Leader, and then they would strike him. Kilithanin will stay behind with Dark Raven while they'll defeat the hideous monster. In the cold corridor this strange company walked carefully avoiding ,others, till the stairs nearby. Once half way in the stairs the barbarian turned back to them:
- This is it. Now there is no return for all of us. We trust each others and we may stand a chance against him. We'll get you to one of his safe places. Then, it will be your chance to finish him. Or all our nation will go on open war with Ljuk. May the gods lead your weapons my friends!

Bonus Xp for this talkative session
Erleothir: 85 xp for the leading without a fight where it should have been kill and loot, 500 Xp for avoiding an onslaught in Ikaya, 50 xp for wanting to be between the mill and Ikaya, 600 xp for finding Dark Raven and Kilithanin, 400 xp for the figurine painted, 50 xp for role play in french/southern Language,

Gustavius: 80 xp for being in game most of the time, 150 xp for finding the door, 100 xp for avoiding the killing, 600 xp for finding Dark Raven and Kilithanin, 50 xp for remembering Alaki's amulet, 500 xp for the figurine painted and finding where the others could paint it for 2 euros,

Lightning: 1 xp for being played by Griselda, 100 xp for avoiding the killing, 600 xp for finding Dark Raven and Kilithanin, 500 xp for having the first painted figurine,

Griselda: 55xp for playing Lightning, 55 xp for confusing the GM playing both character without notice, 25 xp for getting away with it, 20 xp for the L sign over her head for Los.. Lightning, 100 xp for avoiding the killing, 600 xp for finding Dark Raven and Kilithanin, 500 xp for the first self made figurine,

Alast: 70 xp for being a good pirate, 50xp for the idea of covering everybody's crap, 50 xp for warning Mulchanor about some danger which I can't recall (bloody hand writing - thanks to Mulchanor I know now it was for the watch out the frozen stairs you may fall call), 100 xp for avoiding the killing, 600 xp for finding Dark Raven and Kilithanin, 400 xp for the figurine painted,

Mulchanor: 70xp for dwarving around, 100 xp for avoiding the killing, 600 xp for finding Dark Raven and Kilithanin, 400 xp for the figurine painted, 25 xp for remembering me of what I couldn't read on my notes about Alast Xp,


  1. some more memorable moments from last session
    Alast: I would like to ask Hulk (Alaki)

    GM: You always fuck up my characters names. I need to go to GMA (Game master annonymous)

    Alast: I check for traps, I have 17+4 concentrations + 5 ...(continues for 3 more mins)
    GM: It's a normal trap door...

    Gus: I take a crap here against the wall. I check the wall behind me.
    GM: you found the door right behind you.
    Gus: euhm guys, watch your step.

    GM: The door opens (GM bends a kinder duplo that was representing the door)
    Gus: You are so lucky that there are no more football stickers in there...

    Mul: I move behind the Dark Lord, er, Dark Raven.

    Nadziranim... what a nazi??

    Cheers guys

  2. nice summary and thanks Mulchanor for the most memorable moments :)

    ah, aren't we a fun company ? ;)

    I can't wait to read the next text as last session was really awesome: there was epicness, drama, humor, oh we are good !!!

    In that sense, it's almost sad to be level 5, now we really have to be carefull with those damn negative XPs ;) Just kidding, level 5 is exciting !!!!
