Next session

When: Nov, 22nd to 24th 2013

Where: Rameldin's Rasthaus

Who: Us as usual


Having barely escaped the onslaught in the palace, the company now finds itself flying together with Commander Sintar towards the shipyards. The stakes are high as the city beneath them is sinking into the chaos of a very badly planned revolution. Impulsive momentous decisions led them all there and it does not seem they're about to see the end of it.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The nameless ship

10 of November 5000

On the highest platform of the higest tower of the Kai Monastery gathered, after a rich first meal, our heroes. They were blessed by Courageous Blade and Sharpen Fox but before leaving Huldrak requested their individual attention for a last counsel.
One by one the old Huldrak talked to them with very different reaction from each of the elements of the Hazardous Company. When all where up a dwarf took up the rope ladder, waving a last time to the Kais. He turned to our heroes and smiling he said:
- Hello all! My name is Jack, I...
All laughed openly except Yesnarel.
- What is so funny about my name my lords?
- Hem hem, nothing really said Erleothir, you just remind us someone...
- ... named also Jack that we met in another Ship... added Gustavius
- ...who died horribly...
- ...No he did not...
Before they started to get into a difficult terrain the Dwarf interrupted them all:
- Well, dead or alive I am the Jack of this ship, let me lead you all to our captain, the captain Padoka.
- Look! I can see my horse from here yelled Erleothir.
An illusion probably, as the Knight was already too high to be able to see anything tinier than a manor from where he stood. After this they were taken to a relatively still young strong man, harboring the blue tunique of the Order of the Crystal Star Brotherhood. Yesnarel couldn't hide his pride as being one of the same kind of the ruler of this ship.
- Good day young fellows! My name is Padoka, I'll be your captain for this journey. Welcome to my ship it will be your house for some days, be free to roam from your cabins to the deck. The rest is ours to see.
All acknowledged the captain, Gustavius and Erleothir asked almost a the same time for the ship's name but they received a peculiar answer.
- Well hum, the ship has no name for now
- What? This will bring bad luck, it can be! Aren't your mariners superstitious?
- Do not worry, we all do have studies here, we are not... well... supertitious.
Alast though for himself he should check the mariners for more information as he wasn't feeling very well regarding this issue.
The knight and the cunning dwarf were bombarding Padoka with questions regarding his own experience and time on duty when the answer hit them back harder than they expected.
- Well actually this is my first ship, and my first trip. But fear not! I have studied enough and I am able to guide you. By the way, I was expecting you to help me with the name of the ship. You see, I believe that the correct name can be decided after we have proven our valor with this trip. It only has been two weeks since we have been deployed on this vessel...
- Two weeks? Well that's not much... suspired Gustavius
- I am proud to be on your ship Captain Padoka, my name is Yesnarel, please tell me in which school have you learn your arts.
- Which school? Well in the Major Han, in... Dessi. And you?
- Well errr in the Ruanon one, of course.
- Of course, a nice one also.
- My Captain, my name is Mulchanor, I am sure you can use one more dwarf in your crew during this travel, may I be from some sort of assistance today?
- Great, we just need someone in the kitchen! JAAAAAAAAACKKKK! Bring this guest to the kitchen. He volonteered to help us there.

A big smile covered his face while he lead Mulchanor to his new found work. When he came back, captain Padoka was already explaining them how the Crystals was there to guide them. He quickly sent them away to their cabins to rest. Jack lead them to the cabin, making a point on not going till the end of the corridor as it was an area for the crew members only. They could go freely on deck and to their cabins. Not really happy about it the rooms where now shared the following way:
Griselda will be on top of the double deck bed, while Erleothir would be under. Mulchanor and Gustavius will be sharing the middle room and Alast was left with Yesnarel which was carefully hiding his purse. While all were preparing they beds, Gustavius went out from the bed and reached the forbidden corridor. He turned to the only left open way and found another dwarf with two pistols over his belly, pointing a third one to his face.
- Good night lad, this is not an open part of the ship. My name is Gaki, which is yours?
- I Didn't mess trespassing and my name is Gustavius, I am, you know, looking for some beer. Do you...
Before he could finish Gaki was already turning his back to him saying:
- Wait here.

He came back with two pints of beer taking Gustavius to the deck where he sat under the stars letting Gaki's tongue smooth enough to let out words that should have been kept for himself. Gustavius discovered that the captain had still to prove to his crew he was an able one. The dwarf could not say much about the Boari Jungle apart from "stay clear from the Anapheg" In between some broken sounds, that Gaki referred to be songs from the captain's working, started to wake up the rest of the company. In their rooms they stayed quiet even when Griselda wanted to check what going on. It wasn't an attack from hell hounds but a vain attempt from Padoka to sing. After some time the songs stopped with a last loud fall.
- It only could be Padoka said Gustavius.
Gaki answered vaguely:
- He works till late and it always end up like that, I'll verify if the ship is going right and be right back.
- Wait, you can control such a ship, just like this ?
- No, don't be fool young one, I need a box to reach the controls.
With the beer finished and the sensation of having ended the arguments to discuss Gustavius thanked his host and went back to his cabin. He knew that Mulchanor was already sleeping as only a dwarf could snore like he did. On the other rooms silence was already set.

As the day rose our heroes didn't bother to wake up. The patiently waited for Jack to come over and lead them to the kitchen, where they would have a decent breakfast. When entering the little space they had, Gustavius nodded to Gaki and Jack thanked Mulchanor for the potatoes peeling he did last day. As Jack asked him if he was interested to peel more potatoes for the day, Mulchanor offered Gustavius services instead, as a fellow dwarf. Cornered, he could only acknowledge and get ready for an hard day of labor. Conversation was going well till the company tried to get information from the crew. None of them were really up to give information to foreigner as Alast could sense deep in his hurted pride.
- If you want answers you have to be worth of them. Be a man. Have a beer of our home brew.
- I don't drink he replied.
- Stupid and coward. Great one... grumbled to himself the dwarf.
- But I do drink happily shouted Gustavius.
- And me! Almost immediately retorked Mulchanor.
- All right I'll have one too sighted the knight.
- I can have one too, said Yesnarel
- Give me one said Griselda.

Smiling, the dwarves served a round of pints and waited for the result. Slowly results came to the surface. Erleothir barely hold his alcohol but kept still. Mulchanor and Gustavius couldn't be affected due to their own dwarven constitution an no one was ever interested in them. Griselda rapidly went down the path of drunkenness behind more friendly that she ever was before. Yesnarel tried to keep up, drank in one sip and felt on his back almost immediately.
Laugh could be now heard in the all ship.
Erleothir tried to calm them but he was too affected to really lecture someone. At some point the dwarves were still not talkative enough or just teasing their new guests. All the sudden Erleothir was taking Yesnarel to his cabin while Alast was cursing against those damn drunks. Griselda was not able to get walking on her feet and she asked Mulchanor to help her walking. They wanted to go up deck while it wasn't their decision to take. Gaki found help to contain them in another killing round of beer. Gustavius took his beer and went up. Erleothir asked one more question but got rapidly got an unwanted answer:
- Only real man can make questions here, kids and wusses stay below.
Erleothir took his beer and drank straight down his beer. The dwarf was now impressed and started to talk:
- Now fellow Knight, what were you asking?
- I honestly don't remember.
More laugh came toward to company, it was more than enough for Griselda to grab another beer and finish the job she just started, soon she was completely loose over Mulchanor. Mulchanor didn't let this chance pass by and took her to her cabin to consume her inner fire. Erleothir sighted but was unable to act differently than letting the storm pass by. Nobody can be between the pray and the hunter. Mulchanor, soon enough will discover he was the pray. Alast was just pushed away while the strange couple rushed into her room, moaning like animals. Alast stood in his room, having an acoustic image of what was going on the other side of the quarters. Yesnarel was still unconscious.

Several minutes after Gustavius and Erleothir were wandering on deck when Gustavius saw two fellow dwarves on top of the ship scrutining the horizon. In matters of seconds one came down and back with a metal long tube which he used to look in. Apparently his eyes could go further and he spotted something. Both heroes came near and tried to get more information.
- Kraans! Kraans ahead.
The captain was coming out of his working office at the moment quite in bad shape.
- Don't talk so loud... I worked hard yesterday... Get the guns we'll take care of them
Slowly he went on the back platform, taking position, waiting for them to move. The dwarf counted them nervously.
- One, two, three Kraans. Each with two heavy armoured men.
Form ranks form ranks around me sailors! Shouted Jack.
Gustavius stayed on prow, ready to take care of those three beast. The fifteen dwarves crew members were now packing, side by side, at starboard ready for a typical dwarven tactic. Such fire power can take care of most of the creatures of Magnamund. Alast set himself on position and occupied the ship port beam willing to take care by himself of this side.

Mulchanor and Griselda were still in the middle of their final moment of passion but it was time for a fight. Erleothir knew their valor in combat and ran into the room.
- HOOO sorry! A fight is coming we need you both! Mulchanor we need to go!
-She felt asleep! I'll come as soon as possible, let me wake her up!
He shaked her hard with no response but when hope failed she opened her eyes, looked at him and puked over his armor. She felt over the bed, naked but free of dizziness.
- Great... He said leaving over her a clean blanket.
In the other room Erleothir tried his luck harder and harder, hitting Yesnarel whom reacted fast and ran for the deck where he managed to clean his body from the Bor poison. Sometimes a good slap can make miracles. Still frail a quick look around and Erleothir keeping him up to speed he was now ready. Mulchanor climbed the mast to find a good shoting position with his tiny pistol, he knew the beasts were deadly. He would need another of his bull eye shot today.

The kraans were now taking positions, one was going straight to the vessel's prow while the other set course to intercept both flanks. Drakkarims they were, massives and ready to die for their masters. Only the complaints about captain Padoka were now disturbing the wind in this anguished wait.
Yesnarel broke the silence and start to perform a spell toward the kraan coming in front of the ship, unfortunately he couldn't finish his ritual properly and nothing was to be seen.
- FIRE! Echoed the voice of Jack. Under a cloud of smoke ans deafening sound the final cry of a Kraan flooded the air. Almost immediately broke by the terror screams of the two surviving Drakkarims falling into the void.
- Reload fast! The dwarf second in command urged his courageous companions.
One arrow cut the air fast toward Yesnarel. He stopped for a split of second only to hear the final breath of a dwarf, hit on his back while reloading. That's was close he though. One another arrow tried to hit the captain Padoka and missed his chest for a few centimeters, ripping his left arm tunique, and simultaneously, his arm.
-POW! A single shot from Mulchanor was now lost. Immediately after another shot was to be heard. the bullet hitting the shoulder of the Kraan rider facing him. Gustavius grin slowly disappeared from his face as he noticed the rider slowly retaking control from his beast.

The drakkarims were setting themselves ready to board. Yesnarel tried to hit one Drakkar with a projectile but failed. Too short. Arrows from the archers whistled in the air, failing to reach target but still greeting Erleothir neck with a new scar. Drunk and hurt he jumped toward his enemies.
The strongest Drakkarim shouted something and no one were able to understand him besides Yesnarel. He turned pale and warned Erleothir
- NO no no nonnnonoo! Stay here he wants to kill me!
Half way now, the knight ran back to his position setting his heavy shield to protect both magicians. The front kraan attacked Gustavius but bit in the railings of the deck, Gustavius smiled at so much luck and prepared to deal him a final blow, when the Drakkarim captain slashed him making him fall back. It wasn't finished and the second drakkarim pinned him down with his spear. Now stuck on deck, with a spear in his chest Gustavius started to pray at his forgotten gods.

Padoka tried another spell but burped and emitted more strange sounds with his body in the middle of it. Unfortunately it will be too late for another saving spell. Yesnarel now set a second projectile to one of the drakkars coming from the right. This one fell, dead. Alast was growing impatiently as nothing was at his grasp for the moment.
- FIRE AT WILL! Shouted jack.
Gustavius eyes were now wide open. He muttered for himself:
- I'm glad I'm laying now. And smiled.
A fortress of steel hit both drakkarims and the kraan. Both humanoids came down glared by such attack. Alast was caught by surprise by the great Kraan. Mulchanor shot the archer and wounded him, destroying by the same ocassion his bow. Wounded he felt over board. Alast was now in the mouth of the Kraan whom tried to crunch him like a rabbit. He felt the pressure but was not afraid. One drakkar ran toward the mages but Erleothir was there to defend both. The fought briefly without more results than another injury for Erleothir. Padoka stood and gaped:
- Enough. And shot the drakkar in the face. Mixing burning metal and flesh wound. A pistol can be handy sometimes. Alast took his rapiere and plundered it the beast eye. She let him fall. Alast smiled and then realized that maybe he wasn't on the ship. But the hard board hurted him happily reminding him he was safe but hurt. Still pinned on the ground, with two dead bodies lying over him Gustavius caught a glimpse of the last Kraan reducing the ship's bow in pieces. with a swipe of his axe along the ground level he sent the Kraan back to earth cutting his beak. Painlessly Gustavius broke the spear and set himself up. the battle was over.

The next morning Erleothir explained lightly what happened to Griselda, whom had forgotten the whole episode after the second beer. Alast was obviously evesdropping and, this time, was caught in the act when Griselda opened the door. She trown him a dark glare at which Alast responded with:

- Did you sleep well princess?
- Keep your dreams to yourself.
- Quite frankly, I don't care about what you did Yesterday.

The telchos could see Alast hidden grin. Annoyed she tried to punch him, but the after effect of the alcohol and the natural skills of the pirate made her miss her punch. The Pirate had a brighter smile. She threw another punch... Which he also avoided. The Telchos tried her luck until she struk the face of her targed. However the absence of pain and the efforts of the Telchos, Left the pirate smiling even wierr. The Expression of the pirate was more a victorious one than Griselda cursing in her own mind the most terrible pain to Alast and Mulchanor.

During three more days and nights a storm waved the ship. None could go on deck beside the crew. The Captain Padoka never left his post during the days, nor his cabin during the nights.
Our company recovered from their wounds or from their alcohol abuses. This first unwanted encounter didn't bring them more then scars and the certainty of the right path had been taken. The enemies corpses didn't provide much information for them nor valuables items. Gaki suggested to resell them and provide some money to the fallen comrade family. Locked between wooden walls, going from room to kitchen and kitchen to room, not much happened during these days. A few pints were shared between the dwarves, some daring crew members tried to offer one to Griselda while grinning. She always refused with a disdain look from above. This only made the dwarves light hearted and even betting on each attempt to make her drink. So far none could find a way to make her drink.

Alast was now seen as an equal to their eyes. He couldn't stand a beer but he killed a Kraan with a single blow of his missing rapiere. He had proven his valor in combat. Erleothir almost didn't fight but drink enought still standing to reach such a reconnaissance and, as his armour proved, he was a knight of the Sommerlund. He had nothing to prove at the moment. Mulchanor was seen as a true hero by his fellow dwarves, except Gustavius whom female scoreboard didn't impressed him. More he had to think after this near death experience. He had encountered deadly strong enemies and almost died. His life he owned it now to the fourteen mariner's wall of bullets. Fortunately he was a strong lad and recovering fast. Yesnarel spend the time repeating the same riddle...

"Where once stood the mighty prayers of the olds,
A forest grew as the water serpented around.
Where the Gods creation is incomplete,
One creature of the wind will open the door."

As it was now normal for the company, once the night felt on the ship the working time of the captain started. First chanting popular songs and then a loud noise of a fallen trunk. Then silence.

At dawn of the fourth day, the mighty Sun took over the horizon. It was now a bright day that Ishir was offering them. After a frugal breakfast without beer, even for the dwarves, the company now fully awake and keen for a little exercise went up to deck. The first contact with the light was blinding and it took them some minutes to get use to this new found clarity. A new day was now greeting them. Still, nine they will have to wait to reach the Boari Jungle, unsure of what could be found left once they'll arrive, the company inspired the fresh air of a brand new day on the ship with no name.

15 of November 5000

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hard choices

8th of November 5000

Still lifting up from the bow the all gratified the Grand Kai master, they thrown undecided looks to each others, leaving to Gustavius the first words to be sailed to the sea of uncertainty.
- grand Master, we sadly acknowledge that Dark Raven stayed behind to save our lives. He, with Lightning, destroyed the bridge to the fortress. Leaving our way free... except for a keen drakkarim whom assaulted us before we could leave. He took the life of Lightning whom we couldn't bury properly.
- May Ishir protect his soul in those dark Lands, solemnly spoke Sharpen Fox.
Silence was broken but an heavy mantle covered now this gathering. The tale continued with sadness in their eyes and hearts. Griselda looked away each time Lightning name was pronounced, feeling deeper than she wanted his departure. The company updated Sharpen Fox about their perilous travel back to the monastery, the Kai Grand Master listened to all of them, trying to get more information than the one given. Soon, our heroes noted that he knew more than he was expressing at the moment. But before he could be questioned back, a smooth knock on the door awoke them to the entrance of a young man in a blue long tunique covered of stars. He looked apprenhensive to come further as any bringer of bad news. Timidely he entered while Sharpen Fox hailed him to come forward.
- Yesnarel, what a surprise, what is your purpose on your journey here?
-Masters, and guests, I come today to bring you a message from my father the king.
- A message? And he is using his own son, the Prince of one Eldenora nation? Give me the letter and join us, just let me finish here with my guests.
- What? Said a shocked Gustavius? Shouldn't we wait or talk in private? This is a matter of utmost importance we never know who...
- Do not worry Master dwarf. Yesnarel is the son of a trustful ally of the Kai. Do not fear is silence nor his speech.
More murmurs and uncertainties ran in the rank of our heroes, but as guests, not to say debtful companions, they continued to set Sharpen Fox and Courageous Blade more involved of what happened so far. Since Marghal they had unveiled a conspiracy, or an important trail to a powerful artefact which could change the equilibrium that the Dark Lords seek to break for so long.
- But Huldrak, do you know him? Can we trust him? Said first Griselda
- This time, it was Courageous Blade whom talked first. Huldrak is more than a friend and an ally, his wisdom his cherished by us and all the fighters alleged to good and justice.
Sharpen Fox didn't wait their answers, or better said, their questions, to inform them of what he was here doing.
Right now he is in the Library, studying the scroll Dark Raven brought us back.
- What, he is here? retorked Gustavius.
- Can we see him advanced Erleothir.
- Yes, in time. for now I can't say much more, as we also have our duties to fulfil. I'll leave you with the most of what we know:
we discovered that the Dark Lords are seeking keys and safes, seven of each which would lead them to treasure we don't know. But if they are looking for them, we must find them before them. It must be important, if not dangerous enough. When you killed the Nadziranim he apparently had finish to translate and encode a message about those keys. We managed to translate to some parts and almost have discovered two possible keys or safe locations. At least it is what I want to confirm with our emissaries.
Yesnarel grew, patiently impatient. And Sharpen Fox understood he woud read the message at once. Without pausing he read it, and his face turned sadder and darker as he reached the end of it.
- Do you know what your father wrote young Mage.
- I do not know Master Kai, my father sent me here with money and the mission to deliver this letter to you, and you only.
- Sad news they bring me, our Kai emissary was killed at your father own court, in his presence!
- I can just provide you my personal apologies Master Kai, I will do whatever is at my reach and beyond to try to cover the loss of your fellow Kai...
The company couldn't believe what they heard, a Kai Lord assassinated at a King's court!
- And you will, Yesnarel. You will. Your father gave us your service for a year, as a token of forgiveness for what happened. I will conference with my conselours and pray for the soul of one of us whom reached Ishir...
Do not fear, I won't punish you. But you'll travel with them now. And will help them as you were helping me, paying back the blood debt that your father couldn't avoid. I will send him a letter back and will debate about what he wrote and confirm to us in here. Much information is now unveiled to our eyes, and I must decide which will be our next move. We will be needing your help also adventurers, turned him to the Hazardous Company
A defiant Griselda remarked loudly in those empty halls:
- And what about my quest, will you help me?
- In time temerous Telchos, in time... It is not by chance nor by doom that our path crossed... There is more to say later. News from Shotia are confirmed and from Boari also... Join us at the library later this afternoon. Feast and recover behind our walls, till it is time for you to go after the adventure you called apon yourselves. Huldrak will be there also. We need to know why an emissary of the Kai was killed by a conselour of your father the King Yesnarel. And why he didn't want to have us informed about Shotia. We'll see you later this afternoon, be ready to go at any time!
No time was left for them to answer back, they were once again alone, with a new mage.
- Yesnarel is your name, mine is Gustavius of Bor
- And I am Mulchanor smiled the teethless dwarf.
- I am happy to join your group...
A strange game of questioning went over the poor young mage, whom was properly introduced to Griselda and the others. No much they said, but they learned that he was a noble, son of a King, from the war thorn country of Eldenora. He told them about own a conselour of his father killed a Kai and then died during his... questioning. He was mad, losing all his sense. He didn't know what was written, He respected his father will and traveled till he reached the monastery.
They left to the market square where they could get finally what they needed. Once again, they splitted, guided by their own desires...

* *

* *

Now with a few hours ahead, the dwarves, the Mage and the Knight felt like children in a playground. Weapons and shops all over, fair prices, the guarantee of good weaponry in one of the bastion of what is still good in Magnamund, fair ladies to the eyes, good real meals and beds... And all was here for them to take, or at least to buy, if possible. If not, Gustavius already had some ideas in the back of his mind which travelled with him so far. After going for a first reconnaissance tour to find the best of what this monastery has to offer, they finally got their shopping plan ready when one Weaponry forge was selected for his prices, discretion and quality. Probably not in that particular order, but your three fighters were too much excited to be able to find new killing devices that even time seemed to have stopped.
-I want a Rifle, shouted Mulchanor
- Do you have spare parts looking like this, gesticulated Gustavius
- A great Shied, a Sommerlund great Shield do you have one? Hoped Erleothir.
-haaaaa.... sighted Aron the Forge Master, adventurers...
-One at the time please, no rifles here, pistols at best Master Dwarf. For you, which material are those, gesticulated him back, and for you young Knight which colours or coat of arms needs to be shown on your shield?
Once again, they talked as one man and demanded as the war drums were echoing in the valley.
Once more the Forge Master answered them all at the same time, checking their purses with a worry look. The knight was already checking his gold while putting down his spoils of war and used weapons trying the new ones fighting imaginary enemies. Easily slain as he could see. Gustavius requested to rent his forge and tools for a while. While speaking with Erleothir he could send gestural messages to Gustavius whom accepted the prices knowing he should pay much more. Buts as Erleothir, he knew that the Kais won't allow wrong doers in their walls, so he acted both out of charity and greed, helping them to by the most expensive, but still fair priced, items in his store. Gustavius was bound to come back later on to finish his enhanced Erleothir's shield . Mulchanor, was less proud than usual, knowing than cunning and smiles will pay more than shouting and intimidation today. Not even enough money to by a pistol. Nor goods to trade...
- Master Aron?
- Yes Master dwarf? What can I do for you today?
- Well, as you know, I am looking for a Bor's rifle...
- That I don't have
- And that I cannot pay...
- Which I already know
- But I am a poor unarmed dwarf in need of a boum weapon...
- Which I can get
- For a reasonable price...
- Which would be all your gold
- But I'll still need something to shoot with...
- That's why I gave you away fifteen bullets and enough powder to shot with
- Euh...
- You are welcome Master Dwarf, today is my lucky day too, next time you come by bring me good deals, and we'll consider each other even.
With that he gave to Mulchanor a tiny but Effective short range pistol to the dwarf. Seems to already had some use, but he can trust a shopper whom Forge from the Monastery. Silently he left, before the luck could turn away from Aron or him.

* *

Standing around in the large courtyard of the Kai Monastery, Alast caught glimpse of a training circle were Kai disciples were fighting each other under the guidance of an older Master. With a smug grin on his face he approached the training grounds and hailed the sword master: "Maybe the younglings would like to face a different opponent ? I would also gladly learn a few tricks from you during a small friendly competition... what do you say?"

The sword master detailed Alast from head to feet "this could be amusing..." he nodded at one of the disciples while the class was was forming a circle around both combatants. Their lethal weapons were put aside and while Alast received a wooden sword, his young kai opponent grabbed a wooden axe. Remembering his good manners Alast offered a quick sword salute to his adversary. But before the young Kai could even react Alast had allready disarmed him in a quick strike to the wrist. The young Kai looked in shock and dismay over to the sword master while Alast sighed: "I want opponents, not victims..."

The swordmaster could hardly contain his rage and ordered his disciples to form a larger circle around himself and Alast. For a moment both faced each other like petrified. Alast tried to deliver a quick swipe from the right towards the liver of the Swordmaster but this one parried without effort. Alast stork a second time. but this time he feinted an attack from the right while quickly stepping on the foot of the Kail ord thus imobilising his movements a bit. His natural instinct for gold helped him to snatch the Kai Lord's purse with his leftt hand while parrying a blow that never came to his right. The Kai Lord's purse in his left hand and his sword in the right hand he stepped back and waited for the Kai to attack him. But this one did not moved. slightly annoyed by the chance of his opponent and the lost of his purse he simply posed and waited for Alast to make a false move. Slightly nervous Alast taunted him with a move of his sword from his wrist. the Kai Lord still did not reacted. Alast held the Kai Lord's purse high in the air to make sure all disciples might see it. "want it back? what are you waiting for? attack me !" A small crowd had now gathered around the circle of training and all were curious about who would have the final word. With a scream the Sword master made a forward roll and stroke Alast in the leg just as this one evaded to the right. Both stood up again but Alast was quicker. As the Kai Lord was about to deliver a straight forward strike to his chest, Alast grabbed the Kai Lords left arm in a lock - a small movement from his side would be enough to break the Kai Lord's arm at the elbow - while he was quickly aiming the sword at the throat of his opponent with the right hand. Murmurs of surprise where to be heard around the circle and both opponents quickly let each other go. The unthinkable had happened, their Sword Master had been vanquished. Alast tried to stay humble. "it was a nice fight master. I know I used many 'dirty' tricks to win. hence my hope that you might teach me a more regular method of fighting?" The Kai Lord sharply replied "a nice fight indeed. but there is nothing I could teach you, I am afraid." After a few polite words Alsat was about to go when the Sword master interrupted him: "Actually, I would really like to have my purse back now..." and to this word all disciples grabbed their training swords as one and grinned at Alast.

* *

Once again on her own, Griselda looked for a way to turn this despicable wait for movement as a way to learn more about the flora in Magnamund. heading now toward the Herbalist working on his field.
- Good morning Master Kai.
- Good morning, Telchos said without looking the Kai Lord.
- I wish to learn more about the plants here, maybe you can teach me?
- Why wish you to learn the science of plants?
- It may help me in my quest, I gather knowledge about the plants of Magnamund to be able to use it when needed.
- Very well, good luck in your studies.
- Are you going to teach me something?
- Are you an apprentice or a Kai I don't know yet?
- No I am a Telchos, as you can see.
- So I fear that I cannot. I am here to teach Kais. Join us and I'll teach you.
- I have other plans... Can't you teach me some tricks or show me how to do some potions?
He looked now, stopping to work saying:
- I am afraid not.
Griselda, more angry than comprehensive childishly responded:
-May I look at least? Will my staring bother you?
-No, Telchos, you won't bother me, you can watch and learn.
So, she looked, and learned nothing.

* *

* *

A librarian led them along a corridor past a few alcoves where disciples were studiously taking copies of the older and more fragile books. the book shelves were encasing them until they emerged in a reading area flooded by yellow sunlight falling from the high windows. a few tables were put together and the kai lords were discussing, shaking their heads and pointing at different areas on a large - and now corrected - map of Magnamund spread before them. as one of the kai lord moved to the side the company recognized Huldrak sitting on a chair, absorbed by an old parchment. The company hailed him, obviously very happy to finally see an old friend, their only constant in a world slowly but noticeably slipping into chaos.

- "My friends, I am sorry to hear the loss of Lightning, Sharpen Fox already informed me. Nevertheless I am glad to see you alive and in one piece" he smiled.

after a exchange of politeness they quickly related their stories again to Huldrak.

- How is the situation now in Ljuk asked Erleothir
- you will be glad to hear that there is no war. The trade and negotiations with the Barbarians are running again but the entente is, all in all, pretty.... cold.
- at least our trip there was not a complete disaster acknowledged Gustavius
- far from it, it is just too sad That Dark Raven could not find you earlier, Toran had even dispatched a skyship to help him finding you. but since you got kidnapped he had to continue on horse. Flying into the darklands aboard a skyship isn't exactly discreet..

all interrupted Huldrak "a skyship?! they do really exist ? I thought it was the stuff of legend." he nodded impatiently "yes, yes, all at a time for now we have some information for you." he took a deep breath and started explaining the result of his own research.

- "after you crossed the plans of the Nadziranim back in Kalte we could manage to gather a parchment and some notes from his belongings. The agents of darkness are not sleeping and it seems their search has led them to two new place of interest for them. we dare not to say what they expect to find there. be it Key or Chest..." he abruptly stopped and looked at Erleothir "you did not say anything, did you?"
- "not a word" replied the knight proudly
- "and your own keys?"
- "retrieved. actually, Gustavius and myself discovered something interesting."
Huldrak raised an eyebrow
- "As you know," started Gustavius "the drakkarims had us in captivity for more than a week. During those days they had plenty of time to search though our confiscated belongings, find our two keys and sent it to their masters. then probably killing us. Not only did they not killed us, but they also did not discovered the keys. This led us to the following conclusion: they think the keys are just 'normal keys' and not random objects..."
Erleothir continued
- "this would imply that at some point in history the craftsman who made the keys suddenly had to recreate them and transform the original keys into completely innocent-looking items"
- "and this brought me to an idea" finished Gustavius "we can simply continue leading the dark lords on a false trail by forging six wrong keys and hide them at the place were where we will find the real keys... this can buy us some time..."
Erleothir turned around to Gustavius "six keys ? you mean seven, right ?" for a short moments doubts crossed the dwarf's face but the knight already had interpreted it and was chuckling "oh, actually you are right. six keys are great! they'll keep searching for the seventh for a very long time." Gustavius smiled briefly and looked at Huldrak and the Kai Lords acknowledging in the background.
- "Interesting idea, the measures will be taken" nodded Huldrak, he went on "The parchment I am working on was found in the belongings of the Nadziranim, it is coded and I have difficulties translating it."
- "may I have a copy of it" asked Yesnarel
- "if you think you have better chance.. I will have a copy done for you." replied Huldrak amused "still, we were able to get the confirmation about two potential locations. we are not sure if keys or chests were found... first in the jungle of Boari: there is a report that some agents of darkness were spotted there along with a Telchos warrior." all eyes turned to Griselda "and this warrior seems to have a bear as a companion." all frowned, Erleothir the first.
- "what did the Liganim said on the ship back then "another one?"" quoted Gustavius. But Griselda was quick to put him back in place.
- "Am I counting all dwarves involved in this story until now?"
Huldrak coughed and continued
- "Our agents also informed us that the City of Shotia might also hold something of value for us. The leader of the thieves guild has been assassinated and it would seem the guild has split in two parts fighting each other. We now suppose they also possess an item" Gustavius sighed upon hearing this information but Huldrak was going on "A dark lord has been seen there probably trying to finish a deal with the guild. He is in company of a girl..." he stopped for a short moment consulting his notes "ah yes, here is it, we even have her name: Mellini." in the background Erleothir had turned pale.

- "We will offer you the service of the Skyship that was planned to catch you up three weeks ago." Sharpen Fox started, he pinpointed a few areas on the map "As you can see the Boari jungle is not just to the west of Dessi, a trip there would take twelve days." he went around the table "here is the city of Shotia, Capital of Mythan, 24 days of travel..." while tapping at one a peninsula on the most southern reaches of Magnamund "it's up to you to decide were you want to head. time is of the essence."

* *

The skyship would start in a few hours and the group went to the refectory, looking forward to a good meal and discussing their options.

- "I... have something to tell you" said Erleothir after a heavy gulp. He reached for his necklace "Mellini. I know that girl. she was the one to give me the necklace"
All turned around to him making it clear that now was the time to lay down the cards. and so he started relating his story:

* *

In the village were I lived I had a good friend, Eolfrid was his name. we were exactly the same age. except that he was one day older than myself as he liked to remind me all the time. It was a good friendship... We were both designated to be knights of sommerlund. and he started one day earlier than myself. all things went well. until she arrived. Mellini. It was obvious that both of us fell for her. we decided it to settle it down in a classic way. the first to fall on the ground would loose and leave the girl to the winner. Eolfrid won. he could not resist reminding me that it was due to that one extra day of training. But we respected our agreements and stayed good friends. Monthes then years passed by. One day I was travelling in the forrest still in training at the royal stables, I can not exactly remember what I was doing there. But I will never forget what happened on that afternoon. I heard screams coming from a clearing, when I headed there I could see Mellini lying on the ground. On the other side of the clearing was a large bear. It was clear to me that I had to interven else the bear would surely have killed her. I fought the beast and finally drove it off as I managed to slash his face. Mellini... gave me the necklace as token of gratitude... we decided to go back to town seperately to avoid any gossip if people might see us coming out of the forrest together. I let her go first. When I arrived in town lateron - here he stopped recalling the events - she did not came back to the town. no one had seen her. and the next morning at the casern Eolfrid was also nowhere to be seen. I asked around but noone knew where both of them were. it was just as if they had completely disappeared from the surface of the earth. I came then to Huldrak seeking for help. He was the one to reveal me that Eolfrid was capable of changing into a bear... That's all I dare to say for now.

* *

Gustavius was the first to break the silence.
- "Well, then we need head down Shotia, strike at the thief's guild while they are weak fighting each other. Saving your girl on the way is just the icing on the cake"
- "what is it with you and the thief's guild ?" wondered Erleothir
- "not much" replied Gustavius defensively "it's just a logical way of thinking, it's obvious to me they have an item and at least further information about it." he played a bit with the octagonal box and added after a brief pause "and besides you get to save the damsel in distress."
- "I disagree" interrupted Griselda "we should head for Boari and find that Telchos. Your girlfriend is safe."
Gustavius glanced at her quickly "Safe ?! since when is 'being-kidnapped-by-a-darklord' safe? and how come you suddenly feel concerned about Telchos you did not wanted to hear me talk about five minutes ago?"
- "Your girlfriend is safe, Erleothir, the dark lords must think she knows something about the keys and will not dare to harm her. She is a prisoner, yes, but not in immediate danger. besides she probably knows nothing and the dark lords are losing their time."
- "Time !" retorted Gustavius "It's 24 days to Shotia and by then the thieves guild may already be restructured."
- "and ?"
- "and what ? the girl will be dead. Shotia is the most obvious road to choose, look: we have two confirmed tracks. the name of the girl and the thieves guild. what do we have in Boari ? nothing. Just a random telchos with an unusual pet"
- "I really don't see in what the thieves guild is a hint in our quest. And it's not just a a random telchos. I'm sure of it."

The tone of both Griselda and Gustavius had clearly risen and what has started as a calm discussion was about to erupt into an open dispute. Between them, Erleothir sank his face between his palms while the rest of the group carefully stepped aside and started admiring the environment around them with forced intensity. Obviously they did not wished to be dragged in the discussion. Only the young prince tried half-heartedly to settle down the argument.

It was Griselda to turn around to Erleothir - "I need to talk to you. alone." Silence fell over the table. Erleothir looked at his friends and nodded. All went out. Gustavius the last snarling "it's not over" and spilling half of his tankard while grabbing it along on the way out.

once outside he turned over to Alast. "kid, make yourself useful and try to listen to the door."
- "and what will you do ?" inquired Alast nervously
- " finish my drink..."

After a few minutes Erleothir appeared again in the door frame asking them to come back at the table. Daring stare crossed the company while Yesnarel -still trying to defuse the situation- was looking for setting up a leader for the group. He pointed Erleothir whom wasn't so keen in becoming one. Lost were they trying to figure out what to do and how to decide. Alast set himself aside claiming he was not here to think and rule. Mulchanor was talking to himself looking at his new tiny pistol as he may get it grow talking about his own lack of luck since he joined this Company. Obviously, he was out of the decision process. Ít left the Company on a point of view stand off with only four voters for an obvious vote to be cast.
- We should vote, anonymously. and decide where we go first. said Griselda with a smile.
- Look, she speaks now, Claimed Gustavius, still crossing his arms.
- I agree, said Erleothir, we will act as a group and make the choice definitive.
Yesnarel nodded and grabbed paper that Griselda took unceremoniously from his hands
- Here, she said, write down were you want to go, Shotia or the Boari Jungle. We can't stay here two days to decide!
- Erleothir took his piece of paper and wrote on it quickly. Griselda tried successfully to do the same while Yesnarel wrote, in a beautiful handwriting, his decision. Gustavius was lurking around, trying to know more about an outcome that he feared to be already set.
Griselda started to count:
- 1, 2, 3 for Boari. And one for Shotia. We go to the Jungle, do not fear Erleothir, your friend is safe, we'll deal with the bear and the other of my kin first.
- Let me see those papers grumbled Gustavius.
He counted, not one, nor two but three times the tiny pieces of papers. All the time with the same result. All his complaints were shutted before being pronounced...
- So fine! We'll go to the Boari Jungle and let the girl kidnapped. So much of a choice, but Alas! It is the one I'll follow.

The evening ended and unlike the meal they just had finished, the bill the cook handed over to them was way to salty. They realized, only too late, that they could have shared the Kai's supper as the guests they were.

* *

Still moved about their own motivation the group was creating his first inner alliances and allegiances. The unpredictable result won't be seen before they face their firsts dilemma. Soon, they'll board a Skyship. Mythical or legends it was for them, but in two days it will be a reality which will transport them to more dangers than solutions. One last day at the Monastery will bring them the peace and quiet needed before entering the never sleeping Jungle of Boari, holder of a piece of the puzzle they undisclosed with Marghal's death.

New adventure starts the 10th

On being late

Sorry for the late entries on the Blog, we've been overwhelm by madness and failing organization at work, which lead to blog fail =(

But we are back on track and we will bring 2 more entries ASAP!