Next session

When: Nov, 22nd to 24th 2013

Where: Rameldin's Rasthaus

Who: Us as usual


Having barely escaped the onslaught in the palace, the company now finds itself flying together with Commander Sintar towards the shipyards. The stakes are high as the city beneath them is sinking into the chaos of a very badly planned revolution. Impulsive momentous decisions led them all there and it does not seem they're about to see the end of it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Field of Silence

26th November 5000
Positioned near the entrance of the camp Yesnarel climbed into a tree observing the surroundings while securing the exit at the same time. Ahead he could clearly see Gustavius hiding on his left behind high bushes. Lurking near a group of five tired giaks. A few meters ahead at the center of the camp, Griselda faced Griseto while Erleothir seemed to measure Eolfrid with his look. On their left was another group of camping giaks, five of them to be exact. Completely unaware of an already aiming Mulchanor. Waiting for the signal. At the right side of this little gathering, Alast was playing with his sword behind a tree. Counting the giaks in front of him. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Perfectly doable for his skills.
Tension aroused as time flew without signal nor agreement. At last, something happened. Movement between the Telchos. Griseto was stopped by Griselda but she counter attack her sending her flipping on the floor. She turned to Eolfrid and coldly she ordered:

- Find Karnelian inform him of the situation!

Eolfrid doubted for a second and before moving looked at Erleothir and just said:

-Save her!

Following Griseto order Eolfrid ran straight into the forest not giving any attention to Erleothir requests for stopping. His questions won't be answered today. Mulchanor gave away his position when he fired at him, cutting down a frail tree ahead of Eolfrid. Both Erleothir and Alast ran after him trying to catch the fugitive. The giaks in front of Mulchanor ran toward him as Griseto ordered them, now aware of the menace he represented.
Eolfrid and Alast were too fast for Eleothir and he could only turn back to finish a fight he haven't started yet. Mulchanor shot ahead killing three giaks with his first blast. Gustavius thrown a grenade to the running giak group but one of them jumped on the device in an heroic move more due to reflexes than to a sense of duty. All the others were now lying on the dirt due to the shockwave. Coming back as fast as possible Erleothir found a chaotic battlefield where sides where mixing at the favour of the moment. Gustavius was overwhelmed by the remaining four giaks. Yesnarel was not here, dead or up a tree. Griselda was trying to convince her fellow Telchos to help them to add her strength to her group against the coming Anapheg. It came running from behind Mulchanors position, he trampled Mulchanor while he avoided by seconds its charge. Facing the two remaining giaks, he attacked them while Mulchanor shot him, aiming at his head. The shot was not enough to rip his hard skin. Even if it hurted it. Alast was still running behind Eolfrid went he tried to trick him sending a stone to his right side, hoping he will curve toward the battlefield. But Eolfrid was appointed to a mission and didn't flinch. Meanwhile Griseto was repeatedely hitting Griselda with her spear, deaf to all plea. Again and again Griselda tried to get Griseto back on track. Even the Telchos salute was ignored. Running back to help his friends Alast fought a giak coming at him, looking with a grim eye to the others four right behind it. When Griseldas little patience ran out, she counter attacked with less efficiency. Griselda failed to pinch Griseto with her dart, which ended in the muddy soil, but Griseto was still attacking her merciless of their sisterhood. It was enough for Erleothir to interviene and send Griseto to the field of dreams, letting her unconscious and alive above the humid soil. Putting his never used gun under it's chin, Alast shot, right after the giak turned his head away. Taking quicky his sword, Alast tried to decapitate it with the same sucess as his gunshot. Trying to get behind him, he fainted a strike and back stabbed the giak. With the giaks dangerously near, Gustavius tried to shoot one of them at point blank range, but misses at first. He took him down making him roll in front of him, just in time to shoot him with another pistol. Mulchanor was shooting at the Anapheg in a desperate attempt to flee from the huge beast after ripping part of his head with a gunshot. It was not enough for taking down such animal and it's counter attack sent Mulchanor to the ground with his shoulder dislocated, at the Anapheg's mercy. The dwarfs heavy body fell on an ants nest, killing some in the process. Gustavius kicked a giak who bit him. His fail allowed another one to grab him by behind. Yesnarel climbed down the tree, aiming to rescue Gustavius. Three giaks were going to attack Alast, but Eleothir attracted their attention from Alast and they were now chasing him. Alast was saved, now his duty sent him to the pirate proximity. Griselda, trowing Baknar oil toward some nearby bushes attracted the Anapheg away from Mulchanor, saving his live. Gustavius was still surrounded and managed to avoid being killed by his frontal agressor while Yesnarel tried to poison the giak nearby with a dart. A branch stopped him from striking. Quickly the Sommerlunding used a Thunderstone to blind the giaks in front of him but forgot to close his eyes at the same time. It resulted in a pantomimic of attacks from both sides till the effects dissipated. But after slashing air and dusk giaks and Sommerlunding were apt to cross sword properly. Mulchanor was going to be killed by the remaining two giaks but they saved his life instead. Disrupted in his weak mind the Anapheg forgot Mulchanor for an instant, letting him escape behind a tree. No such luck for the giaks. Trying to relocate his shoulder he fainted with the pain. Yesnarel finally got his arm out of the branches and hit the Giak right on his rear end, killing him. Fast as thunder the cunning dwarf used a tree in front of him as a spring to jump back to the giak holding him. Bones broke. He was dead. Facing the giaks Erleothir used his broadsword mastery and used for the first time his shield to kill. Rapidly , twisted bodies were lying behind the Knight whom was already getting his shield mechanism ready for one more round. Running toward the two Telchos fighting the knight swiftly dispatched a giak whom dare to cross his path using his shield on Griseto whom hit the ground again. Griselda went to give Laumpsur to her Mulchanor rapidly going back to take care of their biggest problem. The anapheg took benefit of the situation by attacking the defenseless Grisoto. A successfull bite in the side made her go down. After the defasting bite, the corpse of Grisoto started to sissle and desolve. No more of her was to be seen, only a blueish corpse irradiating darkness. When the blue corpse stood up, Alast attacked it immediately, not trusting such change. He felt pain when striking it and ran for cover.
The Anapheg attacked both Erleothir and the Telchos. She took the blow and fought back while Erleothir felt unconscious on the floor. Climbing down the tree he yelled:

- An Helghast! Don't attack him on close range! Kill him from afar!

Enough information for the recovered Mulchanor whom shot him but from as far as he should be. The Helghast ripped an hellish sound from what looked like a mouth. Alast felt unconscious near him. Yesnarel courageously approached Erleothir to cure him with more Laumpsur. But no reaction were to be seen, cautiously he took his dagger and pinched the knights back end under his armour. Recovering from his wounds he stood facing now the Anapheg. No time to rejoice as Griselda fought the beast bravely when it caught her in it's jaw. Snatching part of her body apart. Leaving her lifeless on the dirt. It was time for revenge. Erleothir rage unleashed more by desperation than courage, blinding him into a duel of fates with the beast. Yesnarel ran back for cover, letting the knight still with time to reset his shield mechanism on a ready position. Alast, taking advantage of the confusion, cured Mulchanor with laumpsur. Trading sword slashes for deadly bites and shield bashes against claw cuts the forest stopped to breath. Yesnarel freed an energy bolt whom hit the Anapheg, without any apparent effect, but reduced the Helghast to ashes. Avoiding the Anaphegs bite, Erleothir countered by bashing his shield and letting his mechanical saw to run on it's mouth it made the beast felt on one knee, also wounded by Mulchanor shot in his back. Again and again blows were exchanged relentlessly from both parts. With a hard strike from his axe Gustavius send the last giak to the hell pit where it belong. Alast dwas reanimated by Mulchanor. Shots were heard, hitting strongly the trees. Where strength and accuracy failed, tenacity won. The lonely dwarf was now fighting to avenge Griselda. Gustavius tried to finally get a piece of the monster but a misdirected slowing spell from Yesnarel slowed down the dwarf, he barely could move, but kept trying to reach the beast, step by step, shot by shot. Erleothir screamed as the saw velocity was none and continued to release his broadsword on the beast. It started to exhale, gesticulating in a more erratic way, but still deadly way. Another shot hit the beast. The Sommerlunding found his strength where only pain was left and attacked him one more time, hacking, slashing his shield saw was losing power but hurting deep his enemy. The Knight suffered another cut from the terror of the jungle, but he held his ground. One more shot, one more wound. The beast twitched. Removing his shield Eleothir spiked the beast one more time, right in the anaphegs face, whom felt onto her other knee, evading this blow. Falling shortly after forward. decapitated by Erleothir whom second try stroked efficiently. The horrible smell covered the battlefield. Griselda mutilated body was lying near the beast. The forests silence was oppressing. She was dead.

Griselda: Nothing. You're dead my dear. We'll miss you. And we hope your character name will be on your t-shirt next session =) (And Griselda with a †)
Erleothir: 100 xp for the global session, 100 xp for reading the story epically, 500xp for the killing of the critters, 50xp for being the first to provide text for the blog, back boning it, 100xp for fighting like they were no tomorrow, 50xp for using wisely the shield saw (even if you got hit by it),
Mulchanor: 80xp for the global session, 500xp for the killing of the critters, 100 xp for the balls of steel continuously shooting at the beast, 50xp for the lucky shot (3 in a row), 50xp for trying to relocate his shoulder several times, 1xp for killing ants by dozens (43 ants to be precise),
Alast: 75xp for the global session, 500xp for the killing of the critters, 50xp for the stone idea, 50xp for the quick and efficient fight with the last giak
Gustavius: 75 xp for the global session, 500xp for the killing of the critters, 50xp for the grenade move, 100xp for the nice combat with the giaks, 50xp for the WWF move
Yesnarel: 95 xp for the global session, 500xp for the killing of the critters, 50xp for the correct timing of actions, 50xp for the Heldeghast tips while saving Erleothir life, 100xp for the correct use of magic (I still can hear the "Go Mage go!"),


  1. +150 xp each for Griseto/Helghast combo!

  2. "Alast was playing with his sword behind a tree"
    Actually i was waiting with the fire bomb in my hand.
