As Gustavius, Erleothir and Alast were outside in the empty streets of Ljuk looking for the the sound Gustavius heard. Tumbling out of the tavern Erleothir was the first notice the strange moaning coming from a distant alley. Lightning was already sleeping in Ishir's temple not noticing the world around him. Running toward the sound Erleothir managed to get nearer to the source of those animal sounds while Gustavius was managing to get closer to him announcing his coming mixing Drodarin and Northern language in a fully drunk speech. Alast was following Erleothir, checking the surrounding streets, willing to surround the beast. As Erleothir came to the corner of the Temple of Ishir he got straight in the alley under the cover of the shadow against the cold stone wall. He didn't saw the Baknar but it didn't neither. Luckily for the young knight aspirant the Baknar was eating the remains of a man. Probably the responsible for the noise that Gustavius heard before. When Erleothir brilliantly checked the alley he saw the beast. Going back slowly to the opposite side of the corner he halted Gustavius and Alast. At the tavern, none moved. They were too afraid to go outside. Afraid or sleeping. In between the snoring Mulchanor unleashed his bowels. Sleeping the supposed disease hit him. Griselda was still taking care of herself, not aware of the dangers lurking nearby.
* Ljuk city - with kinder buildings
The Baknar caught the smell of the heroes and charged. A quick glance back showed a frail pirate and a drunk Dwarf to Erleothir. He jumped in front of the beast slashing it with his sword, Gustavius prepared his new rifle while Alast fled. The beast wounded Erleothir who didn't fall back and fought bravely. Gustavius shot the wall behind the head of the Baknar, he probably was aiming at the second beast he was hallucinating about. The missed shot made Mulchanor awoke. Sadly he realized that his body released more than he should. But with a terrible headache and a strange walk he ran down the stair screaming.
- To arms! To arms!
Griselda couldn't know as she was slowly falling into sleep. Lightning was already deep in it. Erleothir was one more time deeply wounded by the amazing beast whose color was white blooded now. But Ishir protect her servants and the strike aimed to Erleothir head ended with the claws struck into his shield, breaking the paw and the arm in the demolishing strike. Mechanically the knight broadsword entered deeply the beast. Alast, seeing the battle turning into their advantage, screamed back to Mulchanor:
- Get the Telchos we need help down the alley!
He ran back to the fight, but using a side by street while Mulchanor came in the Inn
- Griselda, we need to fight! Wake up! Where are you?
This time the Telchos awoke from her torpor, ready to fight. The killing machine was up and running the stairs again. One more blow sent Erleothir back, his armor damaged and his blood spilling. Gustavius took his axe and jumped blindly into the beast;
And sliced down the shoulder beast. Gracefully he managed to fall back with his axe in his hands. Not realizing which he managed to accomplish. An act of bravery or foolishness. Alast was now right behind the beast he planted his rapiere into the Baknar's back. Deeping it all till the beast scream was covered by the blood in his mouth. The beast fought now for his life. Mulchanor, who arrived in between, was setting in position to fire, waiting for a clear shot. Griselda came slowly, not willing to reopen her wound. Turning back to Alast, the Baknar mouth grabbed him, Alast couldn't move anymore. Attemtping another devastating strike, Gustavius stuck his axe into the wall of the building, he clearly missed the real animal. Mulchanor didn't hesitate and shot. The bullet struck the beast whom turned now to Erleothir who charged with his shield and stroke another blow with his sword. Nothing happened to the enormous beast. Erleothir sword flew behind him on the impact. But it didn't miss and hurt the stoic Erleothir. Gustavius managed to remove his axe from the wall and hit it fully this time, the beast turned away, falling in front of Alast who plunged his rapiere in his left eye. Griselda caught the sword on the floor, threw it twirling to Erleothir, who grabbed it on the fly, striking using the momentum and finishing the beast in the same movement.
All were now around the fallen animal in silence. It was like it never existed. The peaceful city didn't seem to have seen that such animal were in their walls. How could this beast could have entered the city? Still in shock of the harsh reallity of a combat with a more impressive fighter than a giak they just noticed a thin man around them when he spoke:
- I give you fifty gold pieces for it! Here the deal is closed!
Reality fell on our heroes and they spoke their mind immediately/
- Wait a minute....
- No, no no,no! We slew it!
- It's worth more than that!
- You must be kidding me, it cost much more than that!
- F**K YOU!
The last sentence from Alast silenced all of them.
- Who are you to insult me young man! This is not going to stay like this! You don't know who I am !
The strange character went away as fast as he came after the fight.
Voices of disapprobation were all against the poor socially disabled pirate, as he realized he just used the wrong words at the wrong moment, once again. Mulchanor couldn't handle more of this and punched him where any man will bow, whatever his strength. Out of pain he felt. Before the situation could go worse or be solved, the little thin man came with a surprised Rimaroh and his guards. Amazed by the baknar carcass he and his man waited patiently when the man talked.
- Here captain, those are the fellow who insulted me. And here, this one, offended my honor while I was trying to get them a good deal! I request, no, I demand reparation from this disregardful treatment! I am an honest merchant, and very rich, I am not a vulgar commoner!
- Justice will be provided Lord Mora, let us do our work here.
- All right my Captain.
As the captain gathered the company around him Roma was taking the Baknar with the help of his men. Our heroes tried to stop it but Rimaroh was inflexible.
-Leave it my friends... You killed an amazing beast, deed of true heroes, unfortunately you managed to insult and anger Roma, he is a fair merchant and a very rich one.
The company tried to talk with Rimaroh, but he had no time to discuss it openly with all of them. He called aside his protege.
- Erleothir, he owns the second richest merchant house in Ljuk. The direct concurrent of Kilithanin. I managed to calm him down but he is asking for reparation of his affront. He is an honest man, if you pay now, he will calm down. Don't make me use force when we'll both need it in the time ahead. Erleothir called Alast explaining him the situation. A clear disappointment was visible on his face, but he knew he had no choice. He didn't lost 50 gold pieces, he managed to save himself from a bigger problem. Said Rimaroh. I thanks you and your companions again young lad, you saved the life of many, tonight. While interrupting him Mulchanor asked an important question:
- But how did they came in?
- The fire around the city were extinguished in one place, this is not a normal situation.. It allowed them to pass by, they would never go in otherwise. Their are too afraid of the fire.
- Indeed? Good to know, said a more lucid Mulchanor.
While Griselda inspected the surrounding, Mulchanor checked the corpse, he found a broken gun and some gold. Little consolation after losing a dead baknar to a cunning merchant. He kept all for himself, leaving the dead to the city guards to take care. Rimaroh took his leave offering his help through the Kai Lords healing in their temple. Surely a gift for the trouble our heroes spared to them. All of them were going there. Erleothir requested a temple servant to seek for Lightning. He had a difficult time convincing to join the party, but he did. In the Kai temple a few hours of rest made them recover from some of their wounds and receive the healing of the Kai Masters. They also got the opportunity to clean themselves from the strange disease they suffered now, except Lightning.
Now that they were all together again, they realized they had a difficulty to stay a full night awake. Many nights something kept them arguing or doing something unexpected. Tonight the discussion was about what was happening to them and why it wasn't happening any more to Lightning. Gustavius exchanged some accomplices looks with Erleothir and Griselda, while Alast was afraid to be punched again if he would say the wrong thing. Some of them wanted to go outside and check for the baknar roars outside. Mulchanor was interrogating Lightning whom claimed his innocence and complete unawareness of what could be happening to him or them, when this got to dangerous for him, he left, completely ignoring the cries of a second Baknar coming from outside. He opened the door wide open and start to walk back to the Ishir's rest place noticing the huge best coming at him, wounded but alive and hungry. But he wanted above all to go back to the temple and ignored the beast.
Mulchanor who was right behind him to bring him at any cost inside kept his cold blood, aimed at the running wounded animal, waited for a clear shot and blew his head. The Baknar felt on the cold stone now soaked in hot blood. Mulchanor smiled. What a night full of surprise! This time they were smarter and Mulchanor, Griselda and Gustavius got the dead animal directly to Kilithanin. They banged his door several times even when he was sending them away. Only the appeal of a good trade made him coming down.
- Master Frist, we have here a full baknar for you!
- A what? Oh by all the gods! I'll give you 30 gold pieces for it!
- Never! They said. It's worth much more!
- The Mora Trading house wanted to give us 60 gold pieces for this
- All right 40 gold pieces! Take it or leave it!
Gustavius and the others, remembering their last meeting played now a different theater.
- We could say you killed it...
- There is no way that... What? You mean I could say, I killed it?
- Sure, but... it will cost you... we need money and what can you offer more for us?
- I'll give you 10 gold pieces each, and a snow visor each!
- What? That's all?
- All right, 15 gold pieces and a snow visor each!
Jumping on the wagon Mulchanor added:
- We can give you the gun who killed it... it's completely destroyed but you can make a truthful story with it. He smiled.
In the background Griselda also heard the penny dropping and looked at Frist in a way the women would adore him for such a heroic deed...
- All right! Deal ! I'll make sure the dogs, sleds, and equipment will be unloaded from the ship, you'll have two guides and what you'll need to get alive to Ikaya, but I'll need your word on that you'll keep your mouth shut!
- We can do that, they replied, smiling brightly.
- Ok, Men, take my trophy inside and you be ready tomorrow at the city gate. 6 in the morning, sharp! Good! See you tomorrow then he said slamming the door in their faces.
Meanwhile Erleothir went to the Ishir temple. He waited and knocked time enough to get washed by a bucked of clean water but kept insisting. Finally he went wet and back to the Kai temple without an audience with Lightning.The dwarves decided to stay within the Kilithanin house, while Lightning was sleeping in the temple of Ishir and Erleothir and Alast stayed with the Kais. All knew what they needed to do, and they all managed to forget to wake up. Once again. They enjoyed the few hours of sleep they still had till Frist came to the Monastery. First very respectuous with all the Kais presents but when he entered the room where they were gathered, the tiny man proved to have a powerful voice:
Another door slamming, he was leaving them. Feeling stupid for their lack of planning they ran after him, taking all that they had. Not even having time to thanks the amused Kai lords whom looked at them like they were young Kai novices. Only the port was busy, the city was still sleeping, even the Baknar blood was cleaned from the stones. None would said a fierce battle occurred here hours ago. But now they didn't have so much time to appreciate Ljuk site seeing, and they arrived at the door, outside the city with the benevolent and curious look of the towers guards. Frist gave his last orders to Hassan and his sister Radja, they had to get to Ikaya with them, wait for them a couple of days and come back with the dogs. And the company if they could make it. So much for a deal, but it was fair enough.
Hassan and Radja were preparing most of the travel as good guides they were. Meanwhile all of the heroes were covering themselves under heavy fur and protective gears. Mulchanor release all that he could found in his bowels in the snow. The guards cursed far away. It would surely bring some animals around. And not only the little defenseless ones. After a brief introduction of the two guides, Frist disappeared as fast as the head knot which served as an introduction for the guides. They provided the company with a map and two choices:
A longer but easier and quiet route - if it wasn't right in the middle of the Ice Barbarians forces being gathered somewhere in the Hrod Basin and a longer and more difficult one where only nature will fight them back. The first one would take six days and the second seven. They all agreed on taking the one which avoided the Barbarian forces. They all jumped in the sleds, following the guides indications. Hassan was leading the road to the Vlad Glacier. All The way, with Griselda at his side. Gustavius took place on the back of this first sled. Right in the other behind, Alast would lead the sled after being taught some commands for the dogs. The vassagonians were trusting him with their highest value in the snow: their faithful dogs. Lightning was behind him, at the other extreme of the sled. Closing the march Radja was conducing the dogs, side by side with Erleothir. Mulchanor would close the procession, secretly hoping to find something to shot at. The day passed by with an empty horizon were they were heading for. But the snow is a treacherous foe and without warning nor expectation the white hell unleashed is power over them.
- BLIZZARD! BLIZZARD! Don't go away from the sleds! Said Hassan.
In a rapid movement the two guides gathered the dogs around Alast sled. The wind was blowing stronger now, creating whirlpools of cutting snow in every directions. Confusion could be seen in our heroes faces as they fell due to the winds, standing up to grip with all their strength whatever which could tear them from the frozen death. Erleothir wasn't so lucky and fell, pushed away by the wind. He panicked and ran with no direction till he stood in the middle of the storm. He knew he would have to run in the right direction, otherwise only lady death will grasp him.
- ER...
- ..... TH...
- ....O....IR
- .... O....
The wind played him, he heard them at a arm distance many time, never being sure of it. Long minutes he waited for the right sounds, while his companion burned their lungs screaming over the deadly wind. Only Lightning was protecting his voice, lost in his thoughts, praying for
Erleothir to an unknown god. Probably. Blasting from his left side a loud and noticeable,
Caught his attention. Mulchanor voice defeated the wind for a brief instant, saving the Knight-Aspirant life. As he jumped over the sleds to the protected area behind it, the arms of his companions welcomed him. They spent the night together, shoulder against shoulder, keeping any heat they could in their company. The night passed slowly. The sun silenced the wind with his rays of lights, awaking them to a new day. None died this night. They were tired but alive. They gave half a day to the Tundra to save their lives. Now the sun was climbing higher in the sky. They still have many kilometers to cover till the safety of the enemy fortress. Facing death only to find an uncertain destiny.
And now, for the Gaming role play bonus:
Erleothir: 1 Xp for being used to kick ass, 100 Xp for the epic first baknar,
Griselda: 75 Xp for using Erleothir as a hammer of destruction, 65 Xp for the overall Griselda limping, 25 XP for the sword trowing with efficiency (if it was Erleothir he would have back stabbed you), 25 xp more for catching it with a 20 (playing then as Erleothir), 100 Xp for the epic first baknar, 25 xo for trying to bring Lightning out of bed, 100 Xp for the nice trade with Frist, 50 Xp for screaming for Erleothir life,
Mulchanor: 80 Xp for the screams and idea (sorry about the scream Lightning), 100 Xp for the epic first baknar, 15 Xp for kicking Alast in the nuts AND at the right moment, 100xp for killing a Baknar all by himself, 125 xp for trading a destroyed gun and a Baknar carcass for sleds and a full pack of goodies, 100 Xp for the nice trade with Frist, 50 Xp for screaming for Erleothir life,
Gustavius, 80 XP for the in game drunkness and epic jump, 100 Xp for the epic first baknar, 25 xp for questioning how the baknar could got in, 100 Xp for the nice trade with Frist, 75 Xp for screaming for Erleothir life, 100 Xp for proof reading and History checking,
Alast: 70 XP for the Sneak attack of a huge beast and nice gathering of the troops for battle, 100 Xp for the epic first baknar, 50 xp for playing the pirate all along, 25 xp for being punched in the nuts (I know it hurts), 50 Xp for screaming for Erleothir life,
Lightning, 65 Xp for sleeping and returning to the temple not dying due to Mulchanor kick ass shoot, 1 Xp for sleeping while his companions were making a "make a wish" night to the Baknar, 25 xp for trying to stay in bed against Christelle's will (Erleothir, sorry), 1 Xp for being a baknar bate, 24 Xp for not knowing it, 25 xp for trying to find an alternative way out for Erleothir life,
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