Slowly, waking up from the dead, Griselda, confused and changed, looked sadly to Lightning. Deep in her stone heart she knew her brief friend made the ultimate sacrifice for her. Kneeling nearby the corpse, Alast spoke reverence and honorable words to the Mage. With his sacrifice, the pirate buried the grudge between them. He now saw him as a fallen comrade. Silently Erleothir prayed for his immortal soul to return to the Gods...
Discussion arose as the Sun came higher in the grey sky. Mulchanor was taking the armor off the drakkarim pieces. Right after securing a couple of horses.
- Help me out! He screamed to Gustavius
- You too! He said turning back to Alast
Erleothir and Griselda were going out for the rest of the beasts. It was mostly the Telchos whom managed to get them ready while the Knight was looking for a proper burial, but time was not enough. Already sounds could be heard, unnatural one. Luckily for them, no Kraan was in the fortress, little sister of what will one day be the mighty Argazad.
- What are we going to do with the corpse? We need to burn him! Nervously shouted Griselda.
Erleothir was thinking of a proper way to leave Lightning remains untouched from the enemies hands and he tried to light up Lightning a last time. After several failed attempt Griselda blanket covering their fallen friend start to burn. First fragile flames danced over him but shortly after all the blanket was burning. They left him this way, innocently waiting for this to burn him completely. They couldn't imagine the surprise of the drakkarim encountering a dismembered naked fallen comrade nearby a dead magician partially skin burned in the middle of a battlefield with dead horses and four more strangely dead comrades. They left the magician body untouched fearing a curse.
For days, wild animals and insects feasted on them. Still nowadays, the drakkarims avoid this part of the hills. Cautious about the deadly vengeance of the wild dead Mage.
All set for departure, human voices could be heard nearby, time was pressing by!
After some attempts all were on their own horses. Instinctively, Erleothir was driven to a battle horse he knew was bound to him. A Nameless horse was now his lesser worry so he rode fast opening the way toward liberty with Griselda, now in her element.
- Follow me, we have to go n...
He could finish his phrase as an arrow deepen in the Gustavius's horse neck. So much work he had to finally seat on the animal, surprised by the weight of such short fellow. Desperately the Dwarf was trying to get from under the horse when two heavy armored drakkarim rode fiercely willing to finish the job they started.
Driven by instinct our heroes formed battle like never before. The true warriors blood sang higher than fear. The first drakkarim was shot by a accurate Mulchanor mixing the metal of the drakkar armor plate in his bleeding flesh. He grinned, left his spear felt on the floor but stood stoically on his mount. Coming alongside him a second drakkar waved now his sword arrogantly toward the Sommerlund Knight, resolute himself to kill his country arch enemy. Closing to each others an head shot killed the horse of the wounded drakkar. Both cavalier and beast bite the dust. Close enough to Alast for him to backstab him to death. Clashing shield and swords both fighters first round left them unarmed. They rode mechanically facing each other in a more impetuous confrontation. Meanwhile, Griselda was set to kill another rider coming from another direction and didn't failed to kill his horse. Enraged by being thrown by a woman, he cursed her in a blind rage which expired guturraly impaled in Griselda single spear blow. Miraculously, another rider killed himself, and his horse while riding down the hill. A poetic justice which warned them that soon they would be overrun. Erleothir finished his enemy merciless as he would have expected to be treated by his now dead enemy.
- Come on let's go! Shouted again Griselda. But in the heat of the battle only four horses were to be found alive. Riding for their lives they followed the sun set, knowing their enemies wouldn't feel so much at ease facing the burning star. Alast allowed Gustavius to ride with him, letting his horse carrying an heavier burden than the others. Time passed by, bored but bewared of possible troubles their continued they way toward what they think would save them, or, at least, take them far away from their captors. The day went on without any interesting point to be noticed when bad luck hit them as fast as an unwelcome relative knocks on your door. Alast horse felt, breaking one of his four legs. Both Alast and Gustavius rolled over the dust, avoiding stones and insects more by chance than reflexes. Some bruises were made but nothing that could disable them for long. The horse, on the contrary, was sadly hurt beyond any chance of recovery. If only Dark Raven was there! He may have saved him with his Medical Science! Kai Lord can operate real miracles.
- We need to put the animal out of misery, we have to kill him. Said Mulchanor.
- Then we can eat it.
A silent laugh transformed this odd moment into a torpor, torpor which was broke by a gunshot, tolling also time for diner. A few hours later the drakkarims chasing them found the carcass of an half eaten horse. Desert predator fed and fought on the rests. After the mage slaughter they encountered a couple of dead akatzs. The battle for the left overs was fierce. One drakkar cursed the luck of the escaped prisoners as he was fond of his war beasts. Kneeling on the wet blooded sand, lifting the body of his precious Following their trails the akatzs searched for them. Hoping for more easy food.
The company was now missing two horses and both Eleothir and Alast as well As Griselda and Gustavius were sharing a mount. The situation was dire, while they wanted to leave this land as quick as possible, they could not afford to fatigue their horses too much. Soon night fell and the small group hastily build camp. They quickly dismissed the idea to make a fire fearing to attract enemy scouts or worse predators. While they where building up the tents, Mulchanor turned Over to Gustavius.
- "Hey, Psst, Gus ! look what I got here!" He said with a grin while pulling out a bootle of whine from his bag. A bright smile enlightend Gustavius' face
- "uuuh where did you got that one ?" - "With compliments form the drakkarim patrol" grinned Mulchanor. from around the corner of a tent a tall figured appeared
- "what are you up to you two ?!" it was Griselda
- "nothing" replied Gustavius a little bit too promptly while Mulchanor was hastily hiding the bottle behind his back.
- "we were ermm.. discussing who would take the guarding shifts" Erleothir came by and the shifts were quickly set down. While Erleothir and Griselda would share the first shift Mulchanor and Gustavius wanted to wait up for everyone to be quietly asleep to have a drink during their own shift and eventually wake up Alast afterwards.
The first shift went without any particular events, Griselda sighed at her white hairs and decided that a new haircut might help her maintaining a proud face. Even without saying a word it was clear she was still seething about the recent events. she rapidly dropped a word to Erleothir about the two dwarves and a bottle and went on with her business. Erleothir just shrugged and stared at the moonless and starless sky.
- "so that's why they call it darkland..." Time passed by and no sooner had they laid down to sleep after waking up Mulchanor and Gustavius that the sound of a bottle being uncorked was to be heard. Both dwarves drank the whole night while chatting and remembering all the events of the last month while outrageously exaggerating their deeds. It was only as the sun set that they notice that they had forgotten to Wake up Alast and that it was in fact time to continue their perilous trail towards the east.
They had not travelled for long when Griselda suddenly stopped. Being in a harsh desertic environment was almost like being home and all her senses were alert.
- "there is something to the north of us"
- "what do you see ?"
- "I don't *see* it but I *feel* it and it might be heading to us" The group quickly agreed that whatever was coming from the north it was better not be near it. unable to decided if that presence knew they were here they decided to continue east wards while taking a slow detour to the south and paying attention not to leave too much trace behind them. After a few hours Griselda confirmed that the danger of being discovered seemed to be over. They were gaining kilometres and the mountain range to the east, natural barrier between the Darklands and Sommerlund, was growing with every hour. It was unclear when they would finally reach Civilisation and their concerns to keep their mounts alive, riding as fast as possible and still having enough food where growing just as fast. With the help of Griselda the group managed to find some water from the rare plants in the landscape and had a frugal meal composed of insects and some of their rations. Soon their shadows where stretching far too long and it became clear that they had to rest for the night. With a slight sigh of relief they noticed that the brightest stars where visible again in the nightsky. A clear sign that they were slowly escaping the clutches of the dark realms. But the company could not count on lady luck to watch over them all the time. Their second guard was not even over when spectral howling sounded over the desolate plains. "I don't know what it is but I don't want to be nearby when it reaches our camp. we should leave immediately." It became clear To Griselda that wild dogs and even worse, Doomwolves, that had been tracking them since they had killed the horse had finally closed the gap and where rushing for them. Fighting a pack of dogs and wolf in the darkness would not be so easy and escape was their only chance. If only the animals would not be so fast... or had a diversion. She remembered the strong smelling baknar oil and quickly grabbed on of the kegs in her bag pack while the rest of the fellowship was hastily packing and reading the horses. She threw the keg towards the sounds of the dogs, and Mulchanor Imitated her move. As the two kegs broke and the oil splashed around, the dogs suddenly changed course. It was just enough time for everyone to ride off into the foredawn.